Water and the Healthy Way
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Water and the Healthy Way… We all know 8-10 glasses of water a day is the healthy way…Though here are a few more notes on water! 🙂 Check out other cool blogs from Dr. Daniel Javitz by clicking the link below: Dr. Javitz Blogs Thank you for checking out my blogs! Keep Hydrated! 😉 Dr.
- Published in Nutrition Worth Noting :-)
Food For Thought!
Monday, 12 August 2013
Hello Everyone, Our brains like any other part of the body require proper nutrition and constant stimulation to stay young. I came across this information many months back, but forgot to blog it. Enjoy, and remember that nutrition tips are just one of many services offered through drjavitz chiropractic (www.drjavitz.com). To View the picture, just
- Published in Nutrition Worth Noting :-)